“…For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers…" - ACTS 13:36
“…But the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits." - DANIEL 11:32
Throughout the Bible God always uses one generation to touch another. David served his generation and the next generation and was the greatest king ever known. We have only this day to serve this generation. God is seeking fathers and mothers who will serve the next generation and has called us to be His revolutionaries. We are in a divine relay race. A relay race is not necessarily won by the fastest team but by the team passing the baton correctly. The runner ahead being given the baton has to keep their eyes on their lane. The runner passing the baton tells the next runner when to go. There is an assigned placing for you, you are part of a team, every team member is vital and important. You were created for this generation, whatever has been imparted to you, be it love , faith or purpose, PASS IT ON. Wherever we are, we have been called to impart to the next generation. It's time for men and women of God to impart the possibility of miracles taking place.