
Welcome to Brave!

“Brave" is a vision that was birthed by God in my heart to gather together men from all walks of life with the intent of allowing the life changing presence of Jesus to touch and change, every man.

- Ps John Torrens

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go"

Joshua 1:9

In today’s fast changing culture, more than ever before, men are facing diverse challenges. The aim of “Brave" is thus to not only address such challenges but to also bring about healing and transformation through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

"Brave" is not only a safe place for men to express themselves and allow others to talk into their lives, through panel discussions, Q & A, ministry of the Word, but also a place where the men can have a time of fun together.

We believe that God is busy raising up a generation of godly men who know what their God-given mandate and purpose is in this life and who will not hold back in fear or intimidation but instead, through the power of the Holy Spirit, put their “brave" on and achieve great things for God and His Kingdom.

We would like to invite you to our next meeting: Men’s Encounter

To register for Brave, fill in the below form

We’re looking forward to meeting you at our next meeting!